Monday, May 31, 2004

in flux

news bit #1 (classification: annoying): my arm hurts... =( i got a sunburn 2.5 weeks ago at valpo graduation... the little bit of my head/collar that burned pealed pretty quickly... my arm just started to this afternoon and it's making me sad =(

news bit #2 (classification: good): i have a job to do! i was supposed to call my memphis boss at 9 tonight, which i did (8 her time) so that she'd be in the office (which is attached to her house) but not expecting regular business hours calls... my first task will be to assemble a database of emails of potential sponsors for fishing expos in mississippi... how much fun is that? mostly, i'll be glad to have some structure in my life

news bit #3 (classification: exceedingly frustrating): i really need to work on my being able to occupy myself ability... like today -- after dave and dave headed out, it's been me, the tv, the stereo, and the computer... all day long... i've been productive and not even had time for dinner yet even though it's nearly 10! (yes, i did have lunch)... while i'm capable of occupying my own time with books, movies, etc.... i go really stircrazy when i don't get to interact face to face with anyone, but i have no money so i can't just go shopping either to interact with people... it's just a quick jump from lots of people every day to almost no one every day... i used to laugh at g-ma (not meanly, but didn't understand her) when she said she often goes to buy little things she doesn't need at walmart/kmart/target etc., just so she can chat with the clerks despite the fact that she has neighbors, two brothers within an hour of her, a boyfriend, etc. and in general, there's people for her to visit with... but really, i think, looking ahead to a month of working at home on my computer and with a roommate who i get along with but don't do things with or really talk to about anything besides bills, i see a little bit of her point.

news bit #4 (classification: very good!): to remedy point #3 at least moderately tomorrow... ben and i have plans to catch the 1pm matinee of "main hoon na", and indian movie with subtitles that's playing relatively near here (see hopefully it'll be good =)

i'm out of news... for someone who's talked to themselves for the last 14 hours, i sure type a lot =P

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