Wednesday, May 05, 2004

dude, what?!?!

so i just got done with a luncheon with some math department benefactors... while we were waiting for the donors to show up, colleen and eric sat me down and explained last night after i was asleep paul (the crazy 2nd year in charge of pizza seminar) found them (most all the usual 1st year crew) in the graduate lounge and made a list of all the 1st years to decide who should be in charge of pizza seminar next year....

they apparently decided on me since sam, ian, and me were top picks and sam is already in charge of computer input and the graduate logic seminar, and ian has a small child to interfere... they also told paul i'd probably outright refuse to order pizza (which leigh volunteered to do if i don't make her do a talk) and that he should by no means just come up to me and say "hey lara, you're the next pizza coordinator" or i'd kill him (they know me well!)

anyhow, apparently it's my new job and they decided personality wise i'd be good at convnicing people to do it because i generally don't take no for an answer: either i'm persistent or i cry, both of which makes people do stuff.

never knew being as talkative as i am and as prone to crying as i am could add up to a good thing...

anyhow, i told paul to give me a few days to reconcile with being in charge of the seminar and then it would probably be ok... in the meantime to leave me alone about it. =P

the end.

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