Tuesday, May 04, 2004

happy reading day!

i'm tired

i ended up not going to sleep until 6am, woke up at 10 to turn in graph theory (which was badly done at that), decided i didn't want to drive all the way to campus, spent 20 minutes figuring out how to convert the .dvi file of my answers into a .pdf, emailed it to the prof, and tried to go back to sleep... *try* being the operative word... i couldn't fall back asleep with the sun so bright out my window, so i've been running on 4 hours of sleep...

ran lots of errands, then showed up on campus... i didn't think i was in a bad mood until i started to work on the takehome part of the algebra final and couldn't think straight to solve anything... i was so tired that even yawning made me cry... eric helped me for about 20 minutes and then leigh invited me to go to barnes and noble with her for a couple hours, so that's what i did...

leigh wins super-hero of the day award... i now have most of the take-home part of algebra done mostly because she sat down in a corner of the bookstore with me and some starbucks, and let me work and just occasionally asked "so where are you now? tell me what you're thinking" and kept me on task... i like leigh a lot... if you're in a great mood, she's all abouy having fun... if you're in a crummy mood, you couldn't ask for someone more consistently patient and helpful to interact with. the end.

now, i'm home... writing up stuff, watching the season finale of scrubs, and then at long last... sleep!

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