Saturday, May 01, 2004

a note to all of you beer drinkers... =P

in the event that you buy your beer in bottles instead of cans, it's probably not wise to put a box of such beer on its side on the front of a shelf in your fridge... bottles are narrower at the top, and the bottom row of beers forms a "slide" for the top row to attack whoever opens the fridge next.

in my case, amanda bought the beer, did a bad job of stacking it in the fridge last night, and when i opened the fridge this morning to make some lunch, a bottle fell out, breaking on my foot, soaking me in beer just after i had gotten out of the shower, and drenched the kitchen... amanda was already gone for the day, so i had to (a) clean the cut on my foot, (b) look for and clean up shards of glass all over the floor of the kitchen (c) mop up a lot of beer,.... and the kitchen and me still reek of beer... i guess that's shower #2 of the day coming up... joy.

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