Tuesday, June 01, 2004

it might just be ok

today made me a lot more happy about how the summer is looking like it'll be. yesterday i was worried about entertaining myself, but today worked out alright.

(1) i have work to do. i've started on this database of outdoors expo sponsors, and it's good to have something constructive to do with my time. in fact, having the system i do with carolyn (my boss) makes even being employed this summer feel like even less work than last summer... apparently here's how it's going to work. carolyn outlines a job to me along with her estimate of how long it should take and how much pay that's worth. i email her back with either an acceptance of the task or challenge the amount of time (kinda like bargaining) and ask anything else i want to know about the job... then she gives me final details and a deadline for the client and then i just have to get done... e.g. i have til next week wednesday (a week from tomorrow) to finish this database of outdoors sponsors; meanwhile instead of working 9-5 i can have a day like today:
i was tired from not sleeping night before last so i stayed in bed til 9:30, worked til 11:30, got breakfast and got ready, saw a movie with ben, worked from 5-7:30, then sarah showed up at my door and we went out to dinner and i just got home...

*the movie ben and i saw was hilarious... i don't want to say too much because i don't want to unsurprise any of you who might by chance read this and look into seeing it. it was an indian film (like made in india and with subtitles) and truly has about something for everyone... you have to go in with an open mind stylistically though -- 15 minutes in the other 3 people in the theater left, whereas ben and i stayed til the end and greatly enjoyed it! name of the movie? main hoon na (which apparently means "i'm here now" from the many times it was said and translated) =P conclusion: if it's in your area, see it soon and then laugh with me about it -- it's worth the ticket price... if it's not in your area, ask me about it; it's one of a kind!

*i said dinner with sarah... sarah's a 2nd year student who lives in hoboken (much nearer to NYC than here). she has a book of mine she meant to return but forgot it on her way out earlier, so she stopped by anyhow to tell me so... i settled down to work then, and 2.5 hours later she came back by "so, have you eaten yet?"... she had a taste for olive garden, so we went, did the whole dinner, appetizer, wine, dessert deal, and chatted for 2 hours... she commented that she likes hanging out with me b/c i'm less threatening than most people in the department -- that she can have a long quality conversation with me without starting to talk about people/things in the math department and she likes that. it was fun.

so yeah, interaction with people is key, and so is having something constructive to do... and go see "main hoon na"! =P

later dudes, i'm back to work

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