Thursday, April 14, 2005

apprentice final 5

farewell chris -- how often does a contestant get invited back to shake hands with the donald and get personal advice? chris has been a little rough around the edges throughout, so it's appropriate that he was finally fired, but he's grown up a bit even in the course of this show.

what ticks me off is that chris can work his butt off and get fired whereas craig and tana can sleep for 1/3 of the time of their task and be spared by kendra's awesome work. i've liked kendra from week one, and this week she showed dedication. she's guaranteed final four status now since she was the winning project manager this week, and i hope she makes it to the final two. i am concerned though that by seeing her team walk out on her, her response, instead of reasoning with them, was just letting them go and doing the work herself. she didn't have their respect from the start. i'm not sure if that's a kendra issue or a tana and craig issue (probably both)... i would have liked to have seen her exercise more control over them when they mutinied, but nonetheless, she showed as an individual worker she can do an amazing job. she's been in the background but doing something quiet but brilliant just about every week and that's why i admire her.

craig, i'm severely irritated with. when he was project manager, no one believed in his vision with the box and it turned out to be jackpot. now he's on the other side of the coin and it's all kendra's fault? somehow i don't think so. it's clear that kendra and craig don't communicate well with each other at all... and maybe that can't be helped (i can name a handful of people that i mean well towards and vice versa but have never been able to talk on the same page as) personality wise, but they can both give each other the benefit of the doubt. i don't see craig doing that at all, and while kendra might be, she also gives up on him really quickly too... in summary, i'm tired of craig being unclear and ineffective at communication.

tana, i didn't like at the start of the season, then she was growing on me a ton, until this episode, and now i hope she or craig is off next week. besides, like craig, quitting and going to sleep while kendra did their whole freaking brochure, she turned on her "mothering tone" towards kendra. i HATE when people talk to me that way when we're supposed to be equals, and my own mother doesn't even talk to me that way. the whole "what you might not understand is that we don't pull all-nighters like you, we're going to sleep, and you can pay for it" was completely obnoxious. even worse was her taking all the credit in the final presentation. if you didn't do the job, you can't just take over like you did... that happened last season with jennifer once too... completely unhonorable and obnoxious. so tana, i was a fan, but this week you stunk.

down to the final 5... i hope bren and kendra are the final 2 and i hope kendra wins, but only time will tell.

later dudes.

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