Thursday, April 07, 2005


4:30pm: aunt pris called again... apparently g-ma was admitted to the hospital because she was extremely lethargic and was vomitting what looked like coffee grounds (i.e. she was vomitting dried blood)... they planned to do tests to figure out where the bleeding was coming from, and pris was just hanging out with g-ma at the hospital waiting on more news

8:30pm: aunt pris called once more -- apparently they flushed g-ma's stomach and things were ok... the blood was coming from her throat; she's apparently gotten dehydrated (she's been on a feeding tube for years now which inputs through her stomach... she can't swallow so her throat is pretty much unused for that function, even for water; apparently also she's had diahrea problems for a little bit which contributes to the dehydration even if she is getting proper care) (sorry for the possibly gross sidetrack, just explaining things to my satisfaction)... anyhow the report for the night was that pris was going home and would call the hospital in the morning to check on things... mostly they wanted to get g-ma rehydrated and observe her over night, and hopefully send her back to the nursing home in the morning.

not as high of drama as it possibly could have been... you have to admit that "in a failing condition" isn't encouraging medical vocabulary, but for tonight at least, things are ok.

since mom's out of town this week, i get her spot on the family phone chain and then i get the job of calling her and telling her what's what.

oh, and here's something you don't hear every day:

----: YOU! *points accusingly* were in my dream last night?
lkp 42 42 42: doing what?
----: well... first off, have i ever told you why i usually dont remember my dreams?
----: cuz.. they are usually QUITE dysfunctional.
----: so anyways..
----: you were hanging out in the cave in my side yard, which apparently was IMPOSSIBLE to get into, and housed the little elf-like guys who knew the secret to slaying the invisible beast that was tormenting me...
----: but when i finally find the way in, you were just chillin... and i was like.. lara?
lkp 42 42 42: dude

in other news, for the first time all semester, zeilberger's not getting any concrete proof of work this week -- i've worked hard, but not hit any major milestones since last thursday... oops.

time to crash.

night y'all.

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