Tuesday, April 12, 2005

g-ma update and lara update

mom's update on g-ma (over IM while i was out this morning)
-----: la, I talked with Cil late yesterday...Grandma is to have a CAT scan of her abdomen today to try to find out what is going on
-----: the nurses are concerned that she has had no nutrition since she was brought to the hospital
-----: fortunately the vomiting had finally stopped, by Saturday/Sunday, I guess
-----: Priscilla said the nurses were"blunt" about whether or not Grandma would "bounce back" from this
-----: Debbie rightly asked what "bounce back" means...it is to survive, or to return to her prior level of health and energy
-----: so we shall see...
-----: Love

that's all i know on that

lara update -- eye doctor appointment today -- after 2 days of headaches my eyes were dry and irritated when he saw me, so he was concerned that they're like that a lot and that i should try a different kind of lenses... he gave me a trial pair of the new 02optix kind (you've probably seen ads on TV... click here) for a week and i have to go back next tuesday.

what weirded me out a little was what my eyes were doing during the tests. when one of the assistants did a peripheral vision test (you stare into a machine at a black dot and have a button to push when you see lights moving at the side of the screen) my vision in my left eye was blacking out in spurts while it was going... like not that i wasn't seen peripherally, i wasn't seeing at all for a few seconds...

also when the dr. had me looking at the eye chart across the room, i could read just fine with both eyes but it was all a blurry mess or no letters at all looking at the same thing with just one eye or the other... when i looked with just one eye writing looked gray and hazy... suddenly when i had both it focused and i could see the writing clearly... it was weird.

he took notes but didn't comment much... the contacts he gave me for this week are the same presciption as before but he said he might decide next week to change it... eyes... they're weird.

now i should be working.

later dudes

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