Thursday, April 21, 2005

happy thursday?

i was moderately productive last night... check this out: new web book -- too bad my productivity mostly was organizing and presenting math i've already figured out rather than solving new stuff, but it's still something to show dr. z. today....

despite my lack of finishing stuff i'm supposed to have read and my lack of proving things i should have by now at least tried harder to prove, he'll probably be a little distracted today anyhow... today's the day that john nash is coming to speak at experimental math seminar :-)

if the name nash rings a bell, but you can't quite place it, remember a beautiful mind? he's the mathematician that that movie was about. his work made a notable difference in economics and since the movie he's been a celebrity with tons of books about him out, and whatever else have you. he also won the nobel prize back in the mid-90s, so he's widely recognized that way too.

because i have nothing better to type about him coming just yet, here's his autobiography on the nobel prize website: click here; and here's the mouth-ful of a title for the talk i get to hear today:

Speaker: John Nash, Princeton University
Title: The 'Agencies Method' for Studying Cooperative Games and the Resulting Mathematical Problem of Finding Equilibria in a Highly Multi-Dimensional Context
Time/place: Thursday, 4/21/2005 4:30pm in Hill 705

dr. z. also invited me to dinner with the speaker after, so i'm sure i'll have more to say tonight. :-)

later dudes :-P

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