Saturday, April 23, 2005


i have some strange ones from time to time, and last night was such a night...

i dreamed i had made a new friend and was showing them around... however, i went down to the basement of my house at one point to get my clothes out of the dryer (i did do laundry yesterday), and the washer and dryer were gone -- apparently my landlord had decided to give the dirty cement floor down there a tile flooring instead... he had put up desks and stuff to which blocked views of the furnaces and stuff like that... it looked like a small business office instead... it looked nice, but i wanted to know where my clothes had gone.

later in the dream, me, this friend, and my parents went out to dinner at some middle of nowhere restaurant that was really fancy... there was a whole entertainment program going on throughout... part of it was a huge show outside the windows of the place with native americans and buffalos and other wildlife... it was mighty impressive... i think this part of my dream was inspired by the fact that last night i ended up at the rutgers wind ensemble concert and the last half was a series of 4 movements by Ezra Ewazen (apparently a very famous composer for brass pieces).. Ewazen was even there to talk for a bit about the piece before it was played and the American Brass Quintet played with the wind ensemble for it... it was AMAZING... anyhow, these four movements were based on a series of four photos by a famous American photographer taken 100 years ago of various aspects of native american life. Ewazen talked a lot about the traditions that were trying to be brought to life with his piece (Shadowcatcher), and I guess maybe that's what in my head sparked a dinner show of indians and buffalos... go figure.

in conclusion, my head is a weird place and you should all be grateful that you don't live in it :-P

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