Sunday, April 24, 2005

sometimes it's good to be reminded...

today's church bulletin...
(click on a page and it'll open in a new window where you can actually *read* it :-P)

for some reason the lines highlighted were especially needed for me to hear today... they're things i "know", but "forget" from time to time. i'm so good at getting into long detailed discussions about various and sundry things that when a discussion with a friend who doesn't believe in God calls on me to explain what i believe and why i think it makes sense, there's a temptation to think "oh this is my chance to try to convince (fill in name, there are several) that Christianity isn't just a delusional/whatever world view", even though i know that's not what my job is. i think my goal should be to always be ready and willing to explain what i do believe and in a helpful manner for whoever i'm talking to, but it's not *me* who's going to convince my friends that God makes sense, that's all God's doing. really, none of my faith is my doing, and i'm thankful for all of it. even if i "know" that all already, it's still good and needful to be reminded explicitly from time to time too.

anyhow, yay for timing :-P

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