Wednesday, June 09, 2004

2 prayer requests

I was all excited to have 3 emails when I woke up, but turns out only 1 of them was happy... 2 prayer requests

(1) for my 12 year old cousin... her stomach hurt yesterday, so they figured she had caught the stomach flu from my other cousin.... when the pain changed and got worse, they ended up taking her to the ER last night to find out that she has a kidney stone! this usually doesn't happen til people are adult age, but apparently she inherited the problem from her genetic father (who my aunt isn't with anymore)... it'll be fine once she passes it, but how long that takes can be variable, and she's in intense pain in the meantime... so yeah, prayers for rachel.

(2) sue nathan, the staffworker for valpo's IVCF (intervarsity christian fellowship) chapter wrote a mass email last night/this morning as well... apaprently charles (her husband)'s mother (who lives in india) is in ICU for seizures, etc., and the doctors aren't giving them too much hope (but they aren't giving up hope either...)... charles's father just died earlier this spring so prayers for comfort/healing/etc. in that situation.

the end.

now i work.

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