Thursday, June 03, 2004

workin hard for the money

ok, well i *do* sit on my couch all day watching movies and old sitcoms while i work, but still... i am earning my keep... worked 10 hours yesterday and 8 hours today (just got done), and i'm not even 1/4 of the way done with this project.

background: i'm supposed to find 1000 prospective sponsors for hunting expos in the mid-south.

yesterday i exhausted what they expected to be my primary resource and had only 144 contacts to show for it.

today, they gave me more places to search and suddenly decided they wanted mailing addresses and phone numbers saved as well as email addresses (all that they wanted before), so it takes a little longer to input.

it's not like it's a difficult job... i open company websites, find the contact info page (or snoop around the html code for forms to get email addresses =P), and copy and paste into an excel spreadsheet... if you can turn on a computer, you can do my job... it's just tedious and time-consuming.

the funny thing is, carolyn (my boss) thought monday night that she'd have at most 8-10 hours of work for me each week, and here i am working 8-10 hours/day and will be working some on weekends to get this done by the end of next week if at all possible.

oh well, so now you know what i do =P can't ask for much better when you can only work for 4 weeks... and my boss thinks i'm excellent :-)

watching pleasantville on TBS... i haven't seen it in a few years and i think the last time i saw it was before i was aware of who reese whitherspoon is... it's cute... staying up til it's done and crashing. =P

later dudes. =P

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