Saturday, June 26, 2004

a revolutionary evening

ben and me saw "two brothers" tonight... mostly it made me mad at people in general for being ignorant and destructive... i think that was kinda the point (the movie ends with a conservation message about saving endangered tigers)... the scenery and filming was incredible, but there was onyl one likeable human character out of many many the whole movie. so it goes... it made me mad, but i'm still glad i saw it.

seeing movies isn't all that revolutionary though, so what gives with the title?

so i've been chatting with online friend "black death" since high school... we've agreed to meet up for the first time ever in a week and a half on my drive to memphis... he lives near columbus and i'll pass through there around lunchtime that day anyhow...

realize i've been talking to this guy for 5 going on 6 years now, and in that time up until a couple months ago, i had an online personality, a first name, an email address and that's it... in march or so he sent me a photo...

and tonight i suddenly have his cell number and full name... this will be entertaining to be sure... i'm interested to meet him, but have a hard time with changing friendships, so it's a huge deal in my mind to switch from IM friend (which is completely in my comfort zone) to meeting up (which will be an adventure)... and he wanted to call me tonight and i freaked and turned off my phone, claiming the battery to be dead because i'm not quite mentally ready to take that step yet... i'm not scared of him, i'm working on not being scared of change... probably in the next few days i'll have an interesting chat to tell y'all about :-P

revolutionary indeed.

night y'all.

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