Monday, June 21, 2004

and the madness continues!

officially happy birthday to me ;-P

already, in the hour since midnight, dave beagley called, sang at me, and then chatted for half an hour... he wins first person to sing at me, and hopefully there will only be a limited number of those :-P (no reflection on dave's singing ;-)... reflection on how many times i hear happy birthday in the next 23 hours)

lkp 42 42 42(me): dude
hockey7183 (steve klee): dude
hockey7183: boldog szuletesnapot {lara's note... this = happy birthday in hungarian}
lkp 42 42 42: people are calling me and singing at me
lkp 42 42 42: it's scary
lkp 42 42 42: 1 person already did... 2 called earlier and said they were calling back this afternoon to sing at me
hockey7183: do you have a lot of tone deaf friends?
lkp 42 42 42: lol
lkp 42 42 42: actually a lot of them used to be in choir
hockey7183: well that's good

lkp 42 42 42 (me): dude
smswtshnn (scott): dude
lkp 42 42 42: someone already called me from missouri to sing happy birthday at me
lkp 42 42 42: both eric and roommate have sworn to do the same
smswtshnn: :-D
lkp 42 42 42: you really don't want to sing at me later, ok?
smswtshnn: :-) okay, don't worry
lkp 42 42 42: promise?
smswtshnn: pinky-swear

i saw zoolander on TV tonight -- highly amusing, yet one of the dumbest movies i've ever seen!

worked on the notes for my talk (zoolander was on back to back and i saw the first half of the first time through and the second half of the second time through), then had a few phone calls.

roommate called to see when i'd be free tomorrow (today now) for her to call and sing at me...... eric called to ask 1 question (about quals studying), and we talked for nearly an hour and a half, and he's threatening to sing when he calls me tomorrow too... duuuuude!

oh, and it's a small world -- things are starting up for the new 1st year students at the LCMS seminary in st. louis,... apparently dave beagley met josh hatcher (dave's a 2nd year there now... josh is my age, but took longer to do undergrad... he and i were both officers at the same time at my high school youth group in memphis) -- majorly go figure!

done rambling... running through my dumb math talk once, then going to sleep so i can have some fun tomorrow :-)... jessica's coming up for dinner! (yay!) and scott's promised to drink lots of margaritas with me (yay again!); it'll be a good evening :-)

night y'all.

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