Thursday, June 10, 2004

the good, the bad, and the ugly

well, not precisely, but it was the most appropriate cliche i could think of for a title...

ugly first... amanda's anti-air conditioning... however, i live and work in our 90+ degree apartment 24/7, whereas she goes away to a nice air-conditioned office during the day... i've started turning on the a/c in the den, and setting up a fan aimed from there into my room when she's not around (start yesterday), and turning it off enough before she gets home that she can't tell.... heh... don't tell amanda.

the good: colleen and i visited an apartment this afternoon... it was one of the only complexes offering 3 bedroom places that have openings for august... with construction it took us 30 minutes from the complex back to campus, but without construction it would be more like 15-20 minutes... we should look into alternate routes...

pluses? our own washer/dryer.... 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths... for less than $550/month/person... only drawback besides distance is that one of the "bedrooms" is really labeled a "study" and has no windows, except for the ones on the french doors to it... so option 1: someone gets a windowless room with curtains on the doors, or option 2: two of us share the master bedroom which is more than twice the size of the study anyhow... spacewise/new-ness for the money it's by far the best deal we've seen... see floorplan below (clickable for readable version =P):

the bad: talked to mom about things she should copy before she comes to pitt tomorrow so she can be our cosigner (instead of mailing forms, i'll have them instantly over the weekend!)... she said that g-ma's been feeling worse lately and getting sores (these things happen when you've been paralyzed for 4 years and do nothing but sit) that they haven't been able to get rid of yet... mom and her sisters are worried about infection due to her diabetes... that all doesn't sound very good, and i'm a little worried about her now too...

and that's my day so far.... jenny (memphis jenny)'s apparently ordering my birthday present right now and told me if i can find any $5 item on amazon i want in addition to what she's already picked out, then she gets free shipping, so it's complementary birthday present shopping time :-)... then back to work... just 65 more contacts to go!

later dudes =P

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