Sunday, June 20, 2004

greetings galore

birthdays always crack me up... some people know you well, and plan weeks in advance for what to get you; others know you just as well but it's more their style to just send an e-card or call you, or something...

but for like everyone else, there's some socially mandated protocol that if you somehow hear it's someone's birthday you must make a point of telling them "happy birthday!" regardless of whether you really have something more to say or not... it cracks me up :-P

e.g. my away message for half the day today was the conversation w/ my g-ma on the phone from earlier... amanda saw that before she went to her parents place for father's day (and she won't be back til next weekend) so she left an index card on the table before she left reading "happy birthday!" -- cute and nice, and prime example of the above paragraph :-)

natalie called me earlier today to check when i was coming through with eric... she somehow got wires crossed and thought that me and eric were coming this next weekend instead of similar dates in JULY, and was all worried that she would be at a conference when we were supposed to stay with her... after finally realizing june and july are two different months :-) "have a great birthday tomorrow!" was the end of our chat =)

neighborest heather IMed me earlier:
JoyNotes5: Ha, your grandma IS the coolest. ;-) I"m off to the ice rink, but wanted to smile at you from many miles away...*waves an arm* can you see me! *waves both arms* how about now? Hmm...*buffs and polishes teeth to alabaster perfection* ok, you've GOTTA be able to see 'em shinin' NOW! ...maybe? *sigh* guess this will have to do... :-D
JoyNotes5: JOY and SUPER happy Birthday wishes for TOMORROW. :-)

she makes me smile :-)

and the list continues. it's just amusing to me that in general people build up so much to their birthday, which in reality is just another day, but it's fun to get the attention for 24 hours give or take =P

i don't know that this entry really has a point, and since i think i'm rambling, i'm done :-P

happy sunday to all y'all =P

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