Wednesday, June 02, 2004

happy? wednesday

pet peave: people who would rather leave notes and hide than talking to you

i woke up this morning with a note on the kitchen table saying "lara, bathroom's dirty, why don't you clean it today? thanks!"
(1) as if i can't see the bathroom to evaluate it myself
(2) i was around most of last night... there were a whole 4 hours i was home and just working in front of the TV while amanda was home that instead of shutting herself in her room she could have come out and said a word or two

maybe i'm just griping over nothing... next month i'll be gone most of the time anyhow, so after june there's not much interaction with her left; so it's not really worth the fuss. even if i don't talk to her much either, i do leave my door open and say hi and ask her how she's going when she comes in, and when i have had something to say, i've made an effort to say it in person, even if it takes a few shots to actually do it.

yeah, not a big deal; just started off my morning with a slightly annoyed mood.

gotta have 200 prospective sponsor emails to my boss before i go to sleep tonight... on with the work! (today's work in your PJs day =) )

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