Wednesday, June 09, 2004

end of day brain-spin

here it is nearly 1am... looks like 2am is my new official bedtime -- joy.

i did make it to 700 contacts tonight... around 11:30... and since then i've been doing the usual catch up with all 5 email addresses and with all my friends' blogs deal... fun fun... i can't wait til the weekend when i have some time to read! (true i'll be visiting but there comes points of time, when you spend a weekend at a nursing/retirement home that things get dull and you're just sitting there no matter how much you like who you're there to see)

now, here's a little something for everyone:

if you read this to see what i've been up to / what i've felt like rambling my head off about today, you should be satisfied

if you read to vicariously get amanda stories (amanda being my roommate), here's one for you:
(we actually chatted for like an hour tonight while we were both making our own dinner, etc.)
so ron, her boyfriend of 3 years, broke up with her just after he graduated last month (while i was on my roadtrip), and in the last week she'd had like 4 different guys ask her out... one of them she just had to tell me about...
so now that it's summer, people sit on the doorstoops in my apartment complex and chat the evening away... there's a mother of a 5-year old next door who's usually sitting outside my door with a guy from a couple units the other direction on any nights when it's not raining... when i come home i say hi, and ask how they are, then come upstairs to do whatever... amanda on the other hand will chat with them for half an hour before coming up... they know where she does her internship right now (at a local drug store pharmacy) and that ron broke up with her... so the guy came into her store today to get a prescription filled and she tried to hide because she really didn't want to deal with him... it didn't work though, and then apparently told her "so we'll probably be out chatting again tonight... and how about dinner sometime next week?"...
as soon as amanda came home today she came to my room to tell me the story, and then asked me to guess how old the guy was.... until she checked in the pharmacy computer to find out he's 25, she was convinced he was in his 40s and completely grossed out! (and still does not want to do dinner with him anyhow)
i guess it's more amusing how she told it, but nonetheless, there's your amanda update of the day =P

for those of you who read this to live vicariously and get roommate (kristin) updates: (well, who does that... you either know her or you don't?)
i'm amazed at what she's doing this summer... she's called me a few times to say hi, and unfortunately usually i'm still working when she calls so we don't talk as long as i'd like, but we did chat for nearly half an hour earlier and that was nice...
anyhow, she's on an internship for being a hospital chaplain this summer in houston, texas... during the days they shadow people and do group classes together and stuff, but during the night, the interns all take turns being *the* on-call chaplain for the hospital... i.e. spending the night, and getting paged everytime someone dies or something else warranting a chaplain's presence happens... her first night is tomorrow... but for the intern who covered last night... 7 deaths between 8pm and 4am... *hopefully* she'll have a bit calmer of an evening for her first go around... i just can't imagine doing that... makes me thankful for my 11 hour work days of talking to myself!

finally... now that there's an abstract on the rutgers reu page i'm starting to freak out a little about my talk for 2 weeks from now... blah.

ok, really, time to chill *away* from the computer =P

night y'all!

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