Tuesday, June 29, 2004

oh dude

what a day

woke up with grand intentions of working hard on math all day, but really not so much

i solved one problem and then....

"black death" signed online and we chatted from like 3pm til 7:30pm... i did other things in the meantime... like watch tv, color in my coloring book,... but not math

around 7:30 we started playing chess online... game 1: lara has a queen and a king, BD had a king, but i got into stalemate instead of checkmate -- tie game... game 2: lara's losing pieces left and right about about ready to quit when i randomly got a rook in a fortunate position, 1 by 1 took out his major (non-pawn) pieces, and kicked butt...

this brings us to 9pm, when eric signed online to ask me car advice... i'd told him he should get an intrepid of an impala because i like those and so he went to a dodge dealer looking for an intrepid today and saw this: http://www.lasvegaschapman.com/ChryslerJeep/results.asp?StockNumber=PP3181...

Galois1105: well there's a 2004 dodge neon with 10000 miles and list price of $11000 that i found
lkp4242: ooh
lkp4242: neons aren't bad
lkp4242: if you like it go for it
lkp4242: beagley drives one that's a few years old
lkp4242: mostly it's a space thing
Galois1105: and guess what..... it's blue:-)
lkp4242: ooo!!!!
lkp4242: this could be a sign :-)
lkp4242: you should just call me dude
Galois1105: okay
Galois1105: one sec

re: above, the hilarious thing is, i'd told eric back in april that i've had a few random dreams about being on the roadtrip in july... nothing profound, just do dah do dah, we're riding in the car singing with a CD driving through desert or something or we're near the car at the grand canyon (which my mind's completely made up since i've never been there)... but every single time i've dreamt about being on the trip, the car is blue...
note: the car in the above link is indeed BLUE

now for a non-car, non-internet thing... the whole time eric and me were on the phone just now, his sister (still in HS) was in the background showing him new high heels she got that light up with lights that look like fireworks or something and he's relaying her comments to me:

rachael (eric's sister): see, aren't they cool... does lara think they sound cool?
eric: (repeats)
me: um yeah, but you know what kind of shoes i wear right
eric: yup, guy sandals or none
rachael (in disbelief in the background): lara doesn't wear high heels??? how tall is she?
eric: how tall ae you?
me: 6 foot
eric: she's 6 foot
rachael: (in shock!) ooh
(later... after eric and me talked cars more)
eric: so rachael wants to know where you like to shop
me: for what? for books or for clothes?
eric: it's rachael asking -- for clothes
me: uuh duh, i don't like to shop
eric: see, shelley, lara's doesn't like to shop... she's not a normal girl... she's kinda like... well, she's like me.
(much laughter all around)

that's about as good a summary as it gets :-P

dinner time :-P

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