Monday, June 28, 2004

email fun

several weeks ago, google rolled out its new g-mail, and quickly yahoo responded by increasing their standard 6M mailbox to 100M... having 5 active email addresses (rutgers general, rutgers math server, yahoo, excite, hotmail, each for a different purpose), i was curious what the other non-academic email sites would do... and now i have my answer

excite's had a blurb in huge letters for a about a week now "coming soon: your new 125M mailbox! and 10K attachments... coming in september"... geesh... 1.25 times yahoo size, even though they're probably the least popular of the trio (yahoo, hotmail, excite?), but yahoo gave me my upgrade right away... i gotta wait another 2 months for this one (don't get me wrong -- i like excite... i get absolutely no spam there, and they've upgraded quite a bit since i first got an account with them... they're just not an email "supergiant" like yahoo and hotmail)

hotmail sent an email to users this morning announcing that they'll start doing state of the art virus scans on attachements, allow you to send 10K attachments (like yahoo changed at their upgrade) and give you a 250M limit. (stay tuned for details in the next 2 weeks they say... how long will it take? hmmmmm)

ok, seriously, when we've learned to cope with 6M (yahoo), 3M (excite) and with a mere 2M (hotmail) for so long, don't get me wrong, i appreciate the extra space, options -- no complaints... but does anyone find it highly amusing that they're each trying to come up with an insanely bigger number than the previous competitor who just rolled something out? i've gotten good at managing my 3/6/2M inboxes... now having 125/100/250M?... dude... more space is good -- this is just crazy =P especially when it feels like the bigger numbers are there to compensate for the fact that these other servers weren't prepared to make the upgrade as quickly and smoothly as yahoo did... hmmmm

that's my thought for the morning -- finishing the may/june "night sky" (astronomy magazine) issue, breakfast, and then getting to work for the day =P

the end.

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