Wednesday, June 02, 2004

here goes nothing!

so somehow i got myself volunteered to give an hour talk to the rutgers math REU (research experience for undergrads) kids the day after my birthday -- oh joy. not the most excited, but if i just re-give my pizza seminar talk from march i think it'll be ok. must write abstract tonight.

just got back from my one people interaction of the day =P i worked 8 hours, made dinner, then went over to mike's (jared's house where mike and jared lived all year -- where all the 1st year math guys will be next year) to pick up my plants... we had a long discussion about plants, travels, work, and the people we both know around here... fun fun.

jessica has saturday free! so it looks like we'll finally get in our rain check to see "mean girls"... it's only been a week, but such a long one at that =P i've invited amanda, we shall see if she comes. =)

going to work a bit more, then read myself to sleep again. joy =P

later dudes.

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